Living Situation

While we were engaged, John and I were tasked with finding ourselves a place to live. We searched for an apartment, and came to the conclusion that renting just wasn’t the option for us. We wanted to put every cent we could towards building. We pondered and prayed, coming up with only one conclusion—we wanted to buy an RV and live in it.


Our brother and sister were willing to let us live on their land with the Tiny House so, we did not have to worry about finding a place to park the RV. We even figured, we could potentially re-purpose or reuse some of the parts from it. God had given us peace about our decision—we presented the idea to our parents, and with their full support, we began the search.

After weeks of searching, I stumbled upon a Craigslist Ad for a camper. I quickly called John, and we jumped on it. It was in our price range and, it appeared to be well taken care of. Not only would buying the RV enable us to use the majority of our money towards building, it was giving us an experience with “tiny living” before our home was built. The next day, we rented a truck and hauled it home.We scrubbed the camper from top to bottom, and made a few adjustments to fit our needs. John moved in the weeks before we were married.

The summer was wonderful, and as Fall approached we concerned ourselves with the best way to keep warm throughout winter. We began with a small space heater, and as the temperature began to drop we put insulation in the windows that were least in use. We separated our sleeping area from the rest of the house—colorful Mexican blankets  were to act as a wall. We bought light bulbs that emitted more heat, and an electric blanket to top it all off.

As the  time has passed, we have made the RV our own—hanging wall decorations, family photos, and even changing decorations during the holiday season. God has truly blessed us! We are two people who want the same things, and we are willing to work for them.

John and I are grateful for our humble beginnings. We are grateful for our life, and those in it. We are grateful for this adventure, and the things we are learning along the way.

Dom’s Thoughts

I thought moving into an R.V. was a really good idea, however I was concerned about what others might think. I quickly got over it. I reminded myself, that ultimately this was my life—my choice, and I was happy. We were happy! So what if it was a bit nontraditional, you don’t have to fit into the molds people create for you.


John’s Thoughts

I thought moving into an R.V. was a wonderful idea. Although, I had slight reservations. I knew the price range we were looking for, it would be an older R.V., and I felt like it would be dirty and run down. Well, Dominique found a wonderful one (resourceful girl that she is), and we bleached it from head to toe. It has been a wonderful little home. I was also feeling worried about how cold winter would be in it. Well, we are surviving!

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